
It is very difficult to scale philosophical heights without inspiration. Inspiration is unchained and it dawn at unexpected moments. Capturing them in black and white is almost impossible at that point or any time later, as I always get submerged in the thought wave without any inclination to pen them.
Since this blog was created to address any topic, especially mundane ones, I shifted Megha's Ghora, my philosophical contemplations to my website. This section is about discussions between Megha (Aspiration) and her Ghora (Life force) on philosophical points. Since philosophy  is the central point of my existence, failing to dedicate a page to it seemed to leave a lacunae in my blog. Moreover search engines did not show up these pages as I expected them to. So I decided to provide links to them from this page and now I feel satisfied.
My writings do not always have support from Indian or other philosophies, but it is upto an open mind to weigh the thoughts and, accept or reject them. That has been the essence of Indian philosophies. Everything around us is an impression or thought. More the minds, more the thoughts... this make us human, as we travel from lower to higher truths of life and reality.

List of pages on Philosophical Contemplation:

Karmic Laws

Experiencing Singularity 

Conglomerate Awareness

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